…Are you helping others?

Today, Monday, January 19, 2015, we celebrate the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.   If we can embrace what Martin Luther King stood for, and spoke about, this holiday can also be a day that is considered a day of service.  Although we are familiar with Dr. Kings infamous speech “I Have a Dream“, Dr. King also has made many quotes which are considered to be some of the most famous quotations of all time.  One quotation from Dr. King that brought one of my goals into perspective is this one:  “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ 


What are you doing for others….. and…what am I doing for others?

Training and helping others with exercise and diet to get healthy is my passion; my God-given talent.  That is what I purpose to do to help others; and do more of it.

You’ve may read on my website or one of my other publications where I say that we are in the season of wellness; and I want to make this year the  best year for fitness ever!

I say the season of wellness because:

  • more and more individuals have recognized the benefits of exercise and sensible eating
  • more and more individuals have taken a self-analysis of themselves and have come to the conclusion that they, too, need to do better as it relates to their health and wellness.
  • more and more individuals have visited their doctor, and at the end of the appointment, the doctor recommended exercise and a change of diet
  • more and more individuals have been diagnosed with sickness and diseases (HBP, CVD, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc)  later in life; which may have been prevented if they had taken precautions in the early years
  • more and more individuals are experiencing aches and pains in their joints due to limited or no physical activity (atrophy) and now wish to start improving the quality of life with physical activity
  • obesity is an epidemic not only in adults, but children, too
  • our children are now getting adult diseases!



We all know of someone who falls into one or all of the categories – friends, family or co-workers – we all know someone.

I know that my gift is not for me, but to share, and sharing the gift is my ultimate goal.  I had help to get me to where I am today. So being a certified fitness professional is my way of paying it  forward and being of service.   My assignment is “HOPE” = Helping Other People Exercise.


You can be of service to someone else, too, and help them or inform them about the benefits of being healthy!  You can do this by contacting your churches, schools, corporations, friends and family members and start helping each other lead a healthier life! These are the  people we love and care about so  let’s start changing the statistics of poor health.


Oh the joy of feeling good!


Even if it isn’t today,  what will your day of service be (helping others)?


Class Days/times: Saturday’s 10:00am – 10:45am

Zumba sessions are in 5-week intervals. Get your 5 session Zumba punch card and get your card punched each time you attend a class.

Body By Sid is a registered Zumba location.

Click this link to see the fun and action! ===>Zumba class at Body By Sid

Investment cost: $25 for 5 prepaid sessions.

Sign up as many times as you like! Or register online!

Drop-in rate is $7 per session.


Zumba has taken the world by force over the last few years and is probably the most popular group fitness activity that men and women of any age group can participate in! Body By Sid is working hand-in-hand with dedicated, ZIN™ certified Zumba Instructors, to help keep you active and healthy!

Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s exactly what the Zumba® program is all about. It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party!

Click this link to see the fun and action! ===>Zumba class at Body By Sid

Save by registering online!