
Nutrition is only half of the battle with your fat
loss or muscle gain. You must have proper
nutrition to see results.

At Body By Sid your program includes a CUSTOMIZED Meal Plan; designed specifically for you! You will have your own private access to track your progress as well. Once your assessment is completed and your information entered in the system, your customized meals will be automatically generated, weekly.


Get A 5 Week Customized Meal Plan = $75

If you would like a 5-week customized meal plan only, Click here. I will need your measurements.

Many of us are looking for a simple solution, or an easy way to get in shape! Most of us have tried fad diets that left us bored, hungry, or spending hundreds of dollars on special foods. Or we bought exercise videos that didn’t tell us anything about nutrition and aren’t targeted to special needs.

By combining Body By Sid’s unique style of training , our online and offline support tools, you will be geared for success! We offer a comprehensive program that includes a simple nutritional plan with recipes, menus, exercise tips and programs, and support. If you’re ready to keep track of your weight,  eat sensible and healthy foods, and exercise 4-5 times per week,   this is the program for you!